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With the best department store in Britain, John Lewis Online, there's even more to explore than ever before! Shopping with the Direct Catalogue is a snap, and ordering from the UK Direct catalogue is quick and easy. Most of the items featured in the latest catalogues are also available to browse and buy online at the UK website. The catalogues are filled with great information, and includes news of special events, offers, promotions, catalogues and product launches - the catalogue is also completely free!Besides a wide range of housewares, furniture and much else at John Lewis Online, you'll also find a phenomenal online nursery department. Whether it's a gift to celebrate the birth or a present for the christening there is always something for everyone to celebrate your new arrival - from luxury baby toiletries to engraved pewterware and Imprints gift boxes. From bodysuits to bootees, you can clothe your baby from birth to 24 months with the unique range of vests, sleepsuits and outfits. If it's affordable, quality nursery and baby goods you're after, then you must be looking for John Lewis - the No.1. British Department store!John Lewis Department Store: The Leading UK Department Store - Online!
At John Lewis Online you'll find the best of home and giftware ranges, which includes everything from kitchen accessories, bed and bath linens, home furniture, nursery furnishings, electronics, technology products and even a fresh flower delivery service. You’ll find something for everyone at Britain's No.1. Department Store, and your shopping right will be delivered right to your door!
In short, John Lewis is a great 24 hour, 7 days-a-week self-service shopping experience. Not only does the website offer an easy way to buy gifts, when purchasing large items, such as a barbeque, shoppers benefit from having products delivered direct to their home.
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